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Performance Chain Business coaching

Our Culture

Authentic · Humble · Ambitious 

Core Values



Our approach is based on facts, accuracy, and reliability.

When the facts change, we change our minds.


We have a strong desire and determination to succeed.

With our background in professional sports we take a different approach to our competitors.


Professional sports teams and corporate organizations share many similarities when it comes to achieving high performance. Working across the many high performance organizations we’ve been involved in over the years we have noticed five cultural crossovers:


Clear Goals and Objectives

In sports, teams have a clear goal - to win the game. The feedback is clear and immediate, and provided each week in-season.


In business, it is important to set clear objectives for the company and individual employees, and dramatically shorten the feedback cycles from the standard annually or quarterly “performance reviews”. This helps to align everyone's efforts towards a common goal, resulting in higher performance and increased motivation.


Strong Leadership

Successful sports teams have strong and effective leaders who motivate and guide their team to victory.


Similarly, corporate leaders need to be able to inspire and guide their team to achieve their goals. Effective leadership involves setting clear expectations, providing support and resources, and being accountable for results.


Teamwork and Collaboration

In professional sports, it takes the collective effort of the entire team to achieve success.


The same is true in business. High-performing organizations encourage collaboration and teamwork, enabling employees to share knowledge, skills, and ideas to achieve common objectives.


Continuous Improvement

Professional sports teams continuously work on improving their skills and performance to stay at the top of their game.


Similarly, high-performing organizations prioritize ongoing learning and development, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.


Embracing Conflict

Embracing conflict can help organizations build a culture of high performance by promoting open communication, accountability, and trust.


When employees feel safe to express their ideas and opinions, and disagreements are resolved through constructive dialogue, it can lead to greater innovation, collaboration, and better decision-making. A culture of healthy conflict can also encourage individual and team accountability, as well as a willingness to take risks and learn from failures.

By applying the principles of high performance in professional sports teams to corporate leadership, organizations can create a culture of excellence and achieve long-term success.


Clear goals, strong leadership, teamwork, continuous improvement, and embracing conflict are all essential ingredients for achieving high performance in both sports and business.

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